Healing Services

Monica Limon Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy

Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy

  • This in-person assessment will help identify your Ayurvedic Dosha and determine your birth constitution (Prakruti) and your current dosha imbalances (Vikruti).

    The three doshas; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, are dynamic energies that constantly change in response to our actions, thoughts, emotions, the foods we eat, the seasons, and any other sensory inputs that feed our mind and body.

    If the proportion of doshas in your current state is close to your birth constitution, then your health will be vibrant. A divergence between these states, however, indicates a state of imbalance. Vikruti is the term used to describe this imbalanced deviation away from Prakruti (mind-body constitution).

    The goal of Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy is to balance your mind, body, and spirit with yoga, meditation, pranayama, diet, sleep, and proper management of the senses.

    Schedule your appointment with Monica below under Healing Sessions Appointments.

  • *Required - must schedule a 30-minute Ayurvedic Dosha Assessment before booking your private session.

    One Hour Private Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy session;

    • Yoga Therapy: Asana, Pranayama, Mudras, Bandhas, Pratyahara, Meditation, and Chanting

    • Sattvic Lifestyle Plan: Dosha balancing diet, Karma Yoga, Yamas, Niyamas, Dinacharya (daily self-care routine), Svadhyaya (contemplation and self-study)

    Schedule your appointment with Monica below under Healing Sessions Appointments.

  • Monica Limon
    Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist
    AYT, RYT500, E-RYT200, YACEP

    Monica blends the ancient healing system of Ayurveda and the wisdom of classical yoga as medicine to restore the balance of energy in the body and mind to maximize the healing potential. Monica guides her students to explore the whole body through breath awareness, movement, and meditation. She welcomes her students to create internal space to meet their yoga practice with patience, understanding, and compassion.

    Monica has been practicing yoga since 1999 and teaching since 2010. She completed her Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy certification at The California College of Ayurveda in August 2023, and 500 Hour Expanded Advanced Study/Teacher Training Program with Kim Orenstein at Yoga Loka in Reno, NV in 2015.

  • Tuesdays - Thursdays
    1:00pm - 4:00pm

Justine Nelson Integrative Mindfulness & Wellness Coach

Mindfulness Coaching

  • Includes:

    One 60-minute Discovery Session
    Two 60-minute Follow-up Sessions

    Recommended Timeline: 1 month

    In this one-on-one coaching, you will explore the practice of mindfulness to break down old mental habits that no longer serve you and gain mind-body tools to help live more fully and embodied in the present. Justine incorporates the philosophies and practices of Mindfulness, Meditation, Breathwork, and Yoga to help you gain a deeper and holistic understanding of the self and ways to break free from the past.

    In these coaching sessions, we will focus on finding areas of imbalance in your life and creating a strategy to regain harmony. Coaching focuses on the present and creating goals to move forward. As a coach, Justine can offer you tools to help work through old patterns and accountability to make real lasting changes!

    Additional sessions* can be booked for $100 per 1-hr session.

    *Must complete the 3-session package first.

    Schedule your appointment with Justine below under Healing Sessions Appointments.

  • Additional 60-minute Mindfulness Coaching Session*

    *Must complete the 3-session package first.

    This is a continuation of your Root to Rise sessions.

    You will continue to explore the practice of mindfulness to break down old mental habits that no longer serve you and gain mind-body tools to help live more fully and embodied in the present. Justine incorporates the philosophies and practices of Mindfulness, Meditation, Breathwork, and Yoga to help you gain a deeper and holistic understanding of the self and ways to break free from the past.

    Coaching focuses on the present and creating goals to move forward. As a coach, Justine can offer you tools to help work through old patterns and accountability to make real lasting changes!

    Schedule your appointment with Justine below under Healing Sessions Appointments.

  • Justine Nelson MS, IWC, 200 RYT

    Justine is a certified Integrative Mindfulness & Wellness Coach, Meditation and Yoga Teacher. She has her Master’s in Mind-Body Medicine. As a lifelong learner, Justine is dedicated to helping people reach their full potential by utilizing the wisdom of mind-body practices.

    Justine became a yoga teacher and coach after years of practicing Yoga and Transcendental Meditation (TM) in hopes to share the wisdom and healing capabilities of these practices to help cleanse and stabilize the mind, body, and spirit.

  • Tuesday - Friday
    1:00pm - 4:00pm

Somatic Yoga Therapy

  • A personalized journey to well-being with a combined session of Hanna Somatic Education® and Somatic Yoga designed to address your specific concerns, including headaches, neck and shoulder pain, lower back pain, sciatica, muscular pain, and tension (both chronic and acute), shallow breathing, insomnia, chronic stress, trauma, and more.

    Together, we'll work to restore ease and mobility to your body. This involves using the rapid and effective techniques of Hanna Somatic Education® and the holistic approach of Somatic Yoga. Join me in rediscovering the joy of pain-free movement and enhanced mind-body connection.

  • 4 x 90 Minute Sessions

    Since the practice is cumulative, and we are working to repattern your neuromuscular system, the recommendation is to commit to four 90-minute sessions (however, optional) and reevaluate as your program progresses. Somatics’ goal is to move you toward your self-care program!

    As part of your personalized program, you'll receive specific movement exercises to continue progress at home, preventing the recurrence of issues and ensuring long-term results.

    Cost: $550

    Schedule your appointment with Nicole below under Healing Sessions Appointments.

  • Each 90-minute session begins with a postural assessment and progresses into a movement exploration, incorporating a blend of gentle Hatha Yoga, Hanna Somatics, Somatic Yoga, Pranayama (breathing techniques), visualizations, and meditation. These private sessions are tailored to address your whole body pattern. You'll be guided through movements aimed at releasing and repatterning contracted areas, strengthening weak ones, and improving coordination. The goal is to unwind stiffness, alleviate pain, correct postural imbalances, and enhance stability and flexibility through brain-to-muscle re-education.

    Cost: $150

    Schedule your appointment with Nicole below under Healing Sessions Appointments.

  • E-RYT200, Certified Somatic Yoga Educator

    Nicole Lindauer is a Somatic Yoga Educator certified through the Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training. She is also a Trauma-Informed Yoga and meditation Teacher, Certified Breathwork Facilitator, and Usui Reiki Master.

    She gently supports individuals in navigating physical, mental, and emotional challenges through evidence-based mind-body practices, fostering self-generated healing and inner connection. Her commitment revolves around cultivating a nurturing environment and empowering people to recognize and embrace their inherent potential.

  • Mondays & Tuesdays
    1:00 - 4:00pm

Book a healing session.

Find a healing session with one of our certified teachers and book an appointment during the available days/times listed below.

Scheduling Policies

Pre-appointment details

Before arriving for your healing session it’s a good idea to set an intention for what you want to receive or let go of during your session. Please arrive 15 minutes early.

Cancellation policies

If you cannot keep your appointment, please cancel it at least one hour before your session. If you do not cancel in time you will be charged the full amount of the service.

Payment policies

All healing sessions are scheduled and paid through this website's Momence scheduling system. Payments are made with a credit card at the time of your booking. Any refunds will be processed within 48 hours.

″What may appear to be an arrow or a sword we can actually experience as a flower. Whether we experience what happens to us as obstacle and enemy or as teacher and friend depends entirely on our perception of reality. It depends on our relationship with ourselves.″

– Pema Chodron
American Tibetan-Buddhist Nun